The P4CA partnership has completed the first stage of its work programme, comprising a series of Country Reports and Case Studies on Creative Apprenticeships in the six participating countries.
The Country Reports, undertaken through research by each partner, provide a basis for establishing a common methodological framework for the project which integrates and accommodates differing VET and apprenticeship systems in each country. It will enable partners to formulate a methodology for the project that is tailored to the needs of young people and employers specifically in the Creative and Cultural Industries sector, taking into account the characteristics and work patterns of the sector and of its various sub-sectors. Rinova as the project lead for this work, has produced a synthesis report incorporating an Executive Summary with eight key findings from the research.
This framework provides scoping definitions of Apprenticeships and of Apprenticeship Coaches and provides a baseline for defining the function of Apprenticeship Coaches in acting as intermediaries to meet the needs of the triad of: young people; CCI employers and VET providers. It maps the project’s outputs and objectives against the European Framework for Quality Apprenticeships, and will inform the next stage of work which is currently underway, the production an Occupational Profile and Competence Standards for the role of Apprenticeship Coach.
The framework provides a foundation for the subsequent project activities:
- understanding the role, scope of activities, skills, knowledge and experience required by Apprenticeship Coaches and In-Company Trainers in order to work specifically in the field of the Creative and Cultural Industries
- preparing the field for the development of an informal learning pathway and blended learning for Apprenticeship Coaches and In-Company Trainers that will be aligned to the CLOCK YOUR SKILLS accreditation for informal and non-formal learning and to the European Qualification Framework
- identifying project stakeholders and networks regionally, nationally and internationally, in order to understand the eco-system underpinning CCI apprenticeships, including VET providers, cross-sectoral and specialist CCI employment and careers advisers, CCI employers and employers, associations, public policy agencies, representative and membership bodies, accreditation and quality assurance agencies.
- understanding the apprenticeships systems, policies and legal frameworks in each country
- building networks and synergies to foster co-operation, partnerships and mutually collaborative working practices between key players through clustering, digital and social media communications, representative associations and common interests
You can read the Country Reports clicking here.
Infographic Summaries from each country are also available on the project results page.
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