In order to clarify the scope of the project, the Partnership has agreed the following definitions of key terms in English, which serve as a common framework for project activity and results.
However, there is an acknowledgement that in different countries particular terminology in partner languages can have a variety of associations and expectations attached to them. These can range from positive, to off-putting to not existing at all. Because of this, within the project there is an openness to using alternatives names, words and phrases that in the particular country best reflect the concept intended.
Apprenticeship definition by European Alliance for Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships are a particularly successful form of work-based learning, based on the following principles:
- Apprenticeships are formal vocational education and training programmes;
- Apprenticeships combine company-based training (periods of practical work experience at a workplace) with school-based education (periods of theoretical/ practical education in a school or training centre);
- Apprenticeships lead to a nationally recognised qualification.
Most often there is a contractual relationship between the employer and the apprentice, with the apprentice being paid for his/her work.
Apprenticeships differ from other types of in-company learning, such as internships/traineeships, which are often outside formal education and training programmes, and not linked to recognised qualifications.
The European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships, which was adopted by the European Council in March 2018, sets out criteria to define quality and effective apprenticeships.
There are 7 criteria for learning and working conditions:
- Written contract: An apprenticeship should be based on a written contract between the employer, the apprentice and the vocational training institution.
- Learning outcomes: Comprehensive learning outcomes should be defined by the employers and vocational training institutions, ensuring both job-related skills and personal development.
- Pedagogical support: In-company trainers should be designated and cooperate closely with VET providers and teachers. Teachers and trainers should be supported to update their skills.
- Workplace component: At least half of the apprenticeship duration should be carried out in a workplace, and there should be opportunities to undertake part of such placements abroad.
- Pay and/or compensation: Apprentices should receive pay and/or compensation, taking into account cost sharing arrangements between employers, apprentices and public authorities.
- Social protection: Apprentices should be entitled to social protection, including necessary insurance.
- Work, health and safety conditions: The host workplace should comply with relevant rules and regulations on working conditions, in particular health and safety legislation.
In addition there are a further 7 criteria for framework conditions, which apply to the national policy context. More detail here:
Apprenticeship Coach
The definition of an apprenticeship coach on the P4CA project will be a loose definition that includes anyone involved in the facilitation of apprenticeships, acting as intermediaries, within the creative industries:
- brokers, mentors, information, advice & guidance practitioners, VET trainers, careers advisers, tutors, employment advisers, coaches
- these professionals will work with young people, VET providers, CCI employers or all or some of these
- throughout the project the term apprenticeship coach will also include in-company trainers (as mentioned in the project bid)
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